Humanities - Media

Gossip is good for your social life and allows you to cooperate better

Media - Mar 28

Gossip is inextricably linked to our social interactions. We gossip to keep each other informed about the behavior and character of others.

Collaboration ERMeCHS research cluster ROCCS results in journal publication

The ROCCS research cluster of ERMeCHS, the research institute of ESHCC, recently published a scientific paper on the 'Data leak' scandal during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.

Media - May 31

Reactions of the EB and the SB to the irregularities committee report

The irregularities committee investigated a report of censorship at Cursor. See below the reactions of the EB and the SB to the committee report. Executive Board reaction.

Media - Mar 22

Introduction of expert pages for the press

To better serve journalists and other interested parties, Tilburg University is introducing expert pages. Here you will find a selection of our experts in various scientific fields.

Media - Jun 6

How long will the African population continue to grow?

According to the United Nations (UN) population projections, the population of Africa will continue to grow strongly in the course of this century, while on other continents population growth will decline in the near future.

Media - Jul 23

Representation of minorities on streaming services and broadcasters lags behind

The representation of women, ethnic minorities, seniors and sexual minorities on streaming services and mainstream broadcasters lags behind. This is shown by research by communication scientist Serena Daalmans of Radboud University. 'Progress is happening in too small steps.' Every few years, Daalmans looks at how minority groups are represented on television.