Humanities - Religions

Encyclopedia on Early Christianity with 1350 lemmata published

Religions - Jul 22

Fifteen years of work, with 650 internationally renowned authors writing 1350 lemmata, has resulted in a book spanning 5000 pages across six volumes: The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. This comprehensive work will be published next month, but is also available online. The chief editors are professors David Hunter (Boston College), Paul van Geest (Tilburg University, Erasmus University Rotterdam), and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte (VU). On September 18th, they will present the first copy to Pope Francis.

There are certainly non-religious Moroccans (they just don’t stand out as much)

A growing group of Moroccans is non-religious. The research of anthropologist Lena Richter sheds light on how young, urban atheists in Morocco and Europe use subtle forms of activism to normalise their non-religious identity.