


Results 1 - 20 of 33.

Mathematics - Astronomy / Space - 28.08.2024
Mathematicians debunk GPS assumptions
Mathematicians debunk GPS assumptions
In new research, TU/e's Mireille Boutin has obtained major results that help improve GPS technologies using unconventional mathematical techniques. The summer holidays are ending, which for many concludes with a long drive home and reliance on GPS devices to get safely home. But every now and then, GPS devices can suggest strange directions or get briefly confused about your location.

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 12.08.2024
Astronomers ask public to help find newly formed black holes
Astronomers ask public to help find newly formed black holes
The Dutch Black Hole Consortium has launched an 8-language version of the BlackHoleFinder app that citizens all'over the world can use to help identify newly formed black holes. Previously, the app was only available in Dutch and English. Now Spanish, German, Chinese, Bengali, Polish, and Italian have been added, greatly increasing the number of people who can access the citizen science app in their native language.

Astronomy / Space - 25.07.2024
Unprecedented Emission Line Detected in the Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Ever Recorded
A team of international scientists, led by Maria Edvige Ravasio of Radboud University, has identified an unprecedented emission line in the brightest gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever recorded. The study, published 26 July in Science, marks a significant advancement in the understanding of GRBs, shedding light on the elusive properties of their jets.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 18.07.2024
Cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings
For the first time, a team of scientists from HFML-FELIX at Radboud University has unveiled the cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings. These results, published in Nature Communications, may shed new light on the way sulfur was transported from dark interstellar clouds (where stars are formed) to young planetary systems and planets like Earth and Venus, and offers ways to search for cosmic sulfur using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Astronomy / Space - Environment - 24.05.2024
Pre-collapse monitoring of Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine
Pre-collapse monitoring of Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine
New findings from a spaceborne monitoring team of University of Houston, TU Delft and DLR indicates the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine may have been already ongoing before the war with Russia, with deformations in the dam pre-dating the actual collapse. The results were published in the journal Nature Communications Earth and Environment this month.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 14.03.2024
Surprising insights about debris flows on Mars
Surprising insights about debris flows on Mars
The period that liquid water was present on the surface of Mars may have been shorter than previously thought. Channel landforms called gullies, previously thought to be formed exclusively by liquid water, can also be formed by the action of evaporating CO2 ice. That is the conclusion of a new study by Lonneke Roelofs, a planetary researcher at Utrecht University.

Astronomy / Space - 12.02.2024
Clouds disappear quickly during solar eclipse
Clouds disappear quickly during solar eclipse
Cumulus clouds over land start to disappear almost instantly during a partial solar eclipse. Until recently, satellite measurements during the eclipse resulted in dark spots in the cloud map, but researchers from TU Delft and KNMI were able to recover the satellite measurements by using a new method.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 18.01.2024
M87* one year later: proof of persistent black hole shadow
M87* one year later: proof of persistent black hole shadow
The brightness peak of the ring around M87's supermassive black hole has shifted 30 degrees counterclockwise in a year. This is shown in new images released by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration , with contributions by Dutch astronomers, has released new images of M87*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Messier 87, using data from observations taken in April 2018.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 20.12.2023
Merging neutron stars can now be studied more precisely
Merging neutron stars can now be studied more precisely
International research team succeeds for the first time in analysing different signals simultaneously A new method to study the signals associated with merging neutron stars can help researchers to collect data through multiple channels in parallel. The method was developed by an international team of scientists, including the Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP) , Utrecht University, and Nikhef.

Astronomy / Space - 30.11.2023
The observation of multiple ringdown modes in a binary black hole merger
An international team of researchers including Prof. Badri Krishnan at Radboud University has verified an important property of black holes known as the no-hair theorem using gravitational wave observations. Their research is published in the journal Physical Review Letters. It is a remarkable fact of nature that black holes are extremely simple objects.

Astronomy / Space - Chemistry - 30.11.2023
Observations of planetary cradles find water and conditions for forming Earth-like planets even in harsh environments
Planets like our Earth, including planets with water, could form even in the harshest known star-forming environments, drenched by hard UV light from massive stars. That is a main result of analyses of new observations of such an environment with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), conducted by, amongst others, Rens Waters and student Lars Cuijpers from Radboud University.

Astronomy / Space - 15.11.2023
James Webb discovers sand clouds on ’cotton candy planet’ WASP-107b
An international team of astronomers, co-led by Michiel Min (SRON), has discovered a silicate-based weather system on a fluffy gas planet around the star WASP-107. It is the first time that scientists, including Rens Waters from Radboud University, find clouds and rain made of sand. They also conclude that the temperature deeper in the atmosphere is rising surprisingly rapid Exoplanet WASP-107b orbits a star that is slightly cooler and lighter than our Sun.

Astronomy / Space - 25.10.2023
Astronomers witness heavy elements emerge after bright gamma-ray burst
An international team of astronomers including Radboud astronomers Ashley Chrimes, Nicola Gaspari, Andrew Levan, Daniele Bjorn Malesani and Maria Ravasio has discovered heavy elements in the wake of a bright gamma-ray burst in a galaxy about 1 billion light-years away. The burst occurred on March 7, 2023, when two neutron stars merged to form a so-called kilonova.

Astronomy / Space - 05.10.2023
Gemini South Captures Cosmic ’Finch’
Using data from Gemini South and other observatories, astronomers have found a new Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient (LFBOT), a powerful but poorly understood type of cosmic explosion. However, rather than being nestled in a star-forming galaxy like other LFBOTs discovered so far, the latest event, dubbed 'the Finch', occurred in the far outskirts of a galaxy.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 24.07.2023
Webb Detects Water Vapor in Rocky Planet-forming Zone ?
Webb Detects Water Vapor in Rocky Planet-forming Zone ?
Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope have for the first time revealed the presence of water in the inner disk around a young star where giant planets have already formed further away. The research took place within the MINDS collaboration, led by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg, Germany, and including astronomers from Radboud University, the University of Groningen, and Leiden University.

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 18.07.2023
Hologram-based model allows for new sneak peek into pre-Big Bang events
A new physics model could help gain more insight into the events surrounding the birth of the universe. Combining principles of holography and string theory, researchers from Utrecht University, together with colleagues from other universities and Cern, developed the model that could potentially elucidate how the universe expanded, and gained enough heat in the final phase before the Big Bang.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 29.06.2023
Pulsar clocks open new window on gravitational waves
A team of European astronomers, together with Indian and Japanese colleagues, has for the first time found strong evidence of ultra-low-frequency gravitational waves, which probably come from pairs of supermassive black holes at the centre of merging galaxies. It is the result of more than 25 years of observations with the most sensitive radio telescopes in Europe and India, including the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT).

Astronomy / Space - 29.06.2023
Thanks to research by two Radboud students, astronomers can now use the James Webb Space Telescope to look for sulphur
Thanks to research by two Radboud students, as of 1 July, scientists from Radboud University will be able to use the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to test their predictions. From this month, the scientists will be allotted 35 hours of observation time on the JWST to look for the presence of sulphur dioxide in the atmospheres of three exoplanets.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 29.06.2023
Clock-like precision of pulsars opens new window for studying gravitational waves
A team of European astronomers, along with Indian and Japanese colleagues, has reported evidence that strongly suggests the detection of ultra-low-frequency gravitational waves. Such waves, which have not previously been observed, probably originate from pairs of supermassive black holes at the centre of merging galaxies.

Astronomy / Space - 22.06.2023
First long gamma-ray burst ever observed at centre of ancient galaxy
For the first time, an international team of astronomers has observed a long gamma-ray burst near the centre of an ancient galaxy. This is special because these kinds of gamma-ray bursts typically occur when massive stars collapse or when neutron stars circle each other for a long time, and there are no such stars at the centre of ancient galaxies.