news 2022
Results 1 - 7 of 7.
Career - 22.12.2022
Migrant workers dare not make a case when labor law problems arise
Labor migrants especially in the lowest income groups have more frequent labor disputes than the Dutch working population, but do not dare to file formal cases about them for fear of being fired. Those are the main conclusions in the recently published report "De aanpak van arbeidsrechtelijke problemen onder arbeidsmigranten," which Tilburg researchers Anna Sobczyk-Turek and Jan Cremers collaborated on for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
Career - 02.12.2022
Why do employers (not) hire people with disabilities?
The three main barriers for employers to hire people with disabilities are ideas about their productivity, expectations of high costs involved and a lack of knowledge about what disabilities entail - according to a literature review by Utrecht University. Although there are policies aimed at encouraging employers to employ more people with disabilities, the results remain limited.
Career - Economics - 10.11.2022
Paper by Ana Figueiredo published in the Journal of Political Economy
13:27 Publication The paper 'Mismatch Cycles' by Assistant Professor Ana Figueiredo and co-authors Isaac Baley and Robert Ulbricht, has been published in the November issue of the Journal of Political Economy, one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in economics. A novel narrative for the scarring effect of unemployment In their paper, Ana Figueiredo (Erasmus School of Economics) and co-authors Isaac Baley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Robert Ulbricht (Boston College) study the cyclical dynamics of skill mismatch and quantify its impact on labour productivity.
Health - Career - 08.11.2022
TURBO-grants for four medical-technical research projects
Four TURBO grants were awarded today to researchers of the University of Twente ( TechMed Centre ) and RadboudUMC for innovative research into medical technology. The grants will enable the researchers to jointly develop their innovative idea and pursue follow-up funding. Treating blood clot formation with microbots Project title: Navigable Active Treatment of Acute Limb Ischemia - NATALI Islam Khalil (UT) en Michiel Warlé (Radboudumc) Peripheral artery disease can cause blood clot formation in the bloodstream, which can lead to ischaemia, (lower) leg amputation, or sometimes even death.
Career - 11.10.2022
Within CUCo, research may fail, as long as it is unusual and educational
Researchers from TU/e, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht come together within the Centre for Unusual Collaborations to seek answers to societal issues from uncommon perspectives. Research is always exceptional, but not always unusual. That is precisely why that extra dimension is sought within CUCo (Centre for Unusual Collaborations), where - as the name suggests - unusual research collaboration takes center stage.
Career - Environment - 25.07.2022
Three UvA researchers receive Rubicon grants
Three UvA researchers who all recently obtained their doctorates have received Rubicons grant from NWO/ZonMw to conduct research at foreign research institutions. They are: chemist Eduard Bobylev, astronomer Ines Pastor Marazuela, and socio-cultural researcher Alex Thinius. For many researchers, professional experience abroad is an important step in their career.
Career - Health - 02.02.2022
Who benefits the most from good leadership in the workplace?
ABS researchers Sofija Pajic, Claudia Buengeler, and Deanne den Hartog (Leadership and Management section) explore the relationship between leadership, wellbeing, and socioeconomic status. The study was conducted with co-author Diana Boer (Institute of Psychology, University of Koblenz-Landau). Their research paper was recently published in the highly ranked Journal of Occupational Health Psychology .