Call for Papers: Workshop on Lobbying and Political Influence

On November 7 2023, DemoTrans  and Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) will organise a workshop on Lobbying and Political Influence in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The purpose of the event is to bring together researchers working on the topics of lobbying, corruption, political connections and influence to present and discuss their ongoing research and to stimulate interaction and cooperation between them. We especially welcome submissions dealing with the effects of digitalization and transparency reforms on the aforementioned issues and applications in public procurement markets. Submissions dealing with broader issues in political economics are also welcome. The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2023.

The workshop is organized as a part of the DemoTrans project , a consortium of researchers from KU Leuven, Utrecht University, Charles University, University of Bergen and Tax Justice Network (TJN) investigating the interchange between globalization and democracy in Europe.

Keynote speaker is Prof. Mirko Draca (University of Warwick).

Deadline and practical information

  • Submission deadline: July 31st 2023

  • Acceptance decisions: August 15 2023
  • Participation fee: € 120 euros (including social dinner on November 6th)
Go to the call for papers (pdf)


Vitezslav (Vita) Titl (Utrecht University), Benny Geys (BI Norwegian Business School), Emilie Wojcieszynski (Utrecht University).

Conference venue

Utrecht University School of Economics 
Kriekenpitplein 21-22
3584 EC Utrecht
The Netherlands