VU Education Retreat for VU teachers on March 23 & 24, 2023

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Are you looking forward to a few days of rest and space for yourself at a beautiful location in nature? Do you feel the need to take some distance from your daily teaching practice? To reflect on yourself and the contribution you make to education and society? To get new energy and inspiration together with colleagues and broaden your horizon? Then you are most welcome at one of the VU Education Retreats that LEARN! Academy provides.

Recently, we as educational staff had to deal with unexpected changes and high work pressure. After such a period, it is important to create some space for yourself and gain new energy, insights and inspiration.

The VU Education Retreat is for all VU staff who contribute to education: to relax, reflect and (re)connect with their role. Two days of personal and professional development at a beautiful location in nature together with colleagues.

Taking distance in order to see things more clearly The next education retreat is on March 23 an 24, 2023. The retreat is organized by LEARN! Academy as part of the A Broader Mind initiative at VU Amsterdam.

Want to know more? Have a look at our website: VU Education Retreat.

Comment from a participant:
"I enjoyed the varied exercises that helped to find balance between my heart, body and mind. Wonderful connection with VU Amsterdam after corona. Other participants appreciated the opportunity to slow down and (re)connect with a sense of freedom and creativity."

Go to the webpage of the VU Education retreat .

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Frequently visited courses: - - Educational Leadership
Courses per target group: junior teachers & PhDs - teachers & educational leaders - committees & teams

Do you want to ask a question? Please contact Carin Weitering, Higher Education Student Affairs, at
You can also call us on +31 (0)20 598 4263 .