Leaving no one behind
In its Working on Broad Prosperity position paper, Tilburg University describes the urgency and the objectives of the program. Vice-Rector Magnificus Jantine Schuit: "Leaving no one behind is a pivotal notion in the Broad Prosperity program. To us, prosperity is more than economic prosperity; it encompasses caring for vulnerable people and caring for future generations. We strongly believe that the only way for the world to have a future is for us to pursue a sustainable, inclusive, and just society."The position paper was presented to Marike Knoef , dean of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management and sponsor of the Broad Prosperity Program, during the opening of the pop-up workshop.
Broad collaboration for an active contribution to society
Through Academic Collaborative Centers and other initiatives, Tilburg University uses its expertise to help strengthen broad prosperity in targeted ways. And the university does so by working closely together with a variety of societal actors. Together, researchers, civic organizations, businesses, students, and the community explore how they can have the strongest possible societal impact. This they do in the recently opened pop-up Center, a meeting place at Tilburg University where connectedness drives societal impact.Eight interdisciplinary initiatives
The Broad Prosperity program addresses issues relating to several themes: climate and energy, the labor market and pension, health and mental wellbeing, and poverty and hunger. Steering to the compass of broad prosperity and harnessing these themes, the Academic Collaborative Centers generate knowledge and perspectives for action in eight transdisciplinary initiatives that together make up the Broad Prosperity program:For more information about the Broad Prosperity program and the eight initiatives, please read the Working on Broad Prosperity position paper. If you would like to learn more about Tilburg University’s vision on broad prosperity and how Tilburg University is working to achieve it or if you would like to know more about one of the eight initiatives, please send an email to programmabredewelvaart@tilburguniversity.eu and you will be referred to your