Save the date(s): van Torentje naar Torentje

From November 6th to 17th , the campus will host a special recurring event: ’van Torentje naar Torentje’. This is the third edition on campus of a unique series of interviews where Tubantia and the University of Twente engage in discussions with the leading candidates in the lead-up to the Dutch parliamentary elections.

This year, we are pleased to welcome several prominent political figures. So far, the confirmed names include Dilan Yesilgöz (VVD), Frans Timmermans (GroenLinks-PvdA), Caroline van der Plas (BBB), Henri Bontenbal (CDA), Rob Jetten (D66), Mirjam Bikker (ChristenUnie), Lilian Marijnissen (SP), Laurens Dassen (Volt) and Chris Stoffer (SGP). These lead candidates will come to Twente to discuss their election programs just before the Dutch parliamentary elections. This initiative aims to enhance engagement and foster dialogue between policymakers and the Twente community.

About Van Torentje naar Torentje

’Van Torentje naar Torentje’ symbolises the connection between Twente and the political heart of the Netherlands, with two iconic towers at low water: the artwork located on the University of Twente’s campus ( The little tower of Drienerlo ) and the Prime Minister’s office ( The Torentje ) at the Binnenhof in The Hague. This connection is of great significance to the University of Twente and Tubantia.

Through this series of interviews, the University of Twente and Tubantia joined forces to bring the election campaign to Twente. It bridges the political arena with well-informed readers of the newspaper and the UT community, fostering engagement and encouraging dialogue between policymakers and the Twente public. The interviews will be open to a live audience , allowing the public to pose incisive questions to these party leaders.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience politics up close and take part in discussions that shape not only the nation but also the region. Mark your calendars , and stay tuned for more information, including precise timings and the opportunity to register.

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