Gijs Franken, Radboudumc - Editing kidney stones: gene replacement therapy as treatment for kidney disease
Kidney stones are prevalent and are often caused by genetic defects. Treatment strategies are not effective on the long term. Gene therapy uses viruses to repair the genetic defects. In this project, I will investigate the therapeutic feasibility of gene therapy for kidney stones in mice.Starting one’s career in a top institute
For many scientists, experience abroad is a crucial steppingstone in their careers. The Rubicon grant makes it possible for young researchers to conduct their research at a foreign institute that offers the best environment for their particular field of expertise.A total of 17 Rubicon researchers will go abroad for 12 to 24 months. The level of funding depends on the chosen destination and the duration of the stay. Each year NWO/ZonMw can fund around 60 young researchers within the framework of Rubicon (for a total amount of 7 million euros, spread over 3 rounds).