NWO finances groundbreaking fundamental research projects

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21 research consortia, two of whom are from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, receive funding from the ENW-XL Open Competition to reach a breakthrough. Physicist Iddo Heller and neurobiologist Mark Verheijen are the research leaders of the two research projects.

Iddo Heller receives the funding for (Co-applicants: B.L. (Ben) Feringa; dr. J. (Jocelyne) Vreede; J. (Jan) Lipfert; dr. C.P. (Chase) Broedersz; S.S. (Shirin) Faraji) In all forms of life, molecular motors are indispensable for transporting molecular building blocks inside cells, for maintaining DNA, and for generating (muscle-based) motion. Only recently, mankind has developed the ability to build synthetic molecular motors and machines and to control these with light. In this project, researchers from various disciplines will join forces to unravel the design-principles of synthetic nanomachines, to design motorized nanoscale building blocks and to demonstrate the first light-controlled artificial muscles and conveyor belts. These discoveries enable mankind to pursue new applications such as in nanomedicine and in the design of adaptive, mobile, and self-healing materials.

Mark Verheijen receives the funding for the project SUPerGLue: How SUbcellular ComPartments in AstroGLia control cognitive processing ( Co-applicants: dr. R. (Rogier) Min; dr. E.N.T.P. (Erik) Bakker; H.E. (Elga) de Vries; dr. P. (Priyanka) Rao-Ruiz; dr. N.A. (Natalia) Goriounova; dr. H.D. (Harold) MacGillavry) Research on information processing in the brain previously focused mainly on communication between neurons. However, in recent years it has emerged that a non-neuronal cell, the astrocyte, which was previously seen as a kind of support cell of your brain, also plays a role in memory and cognition. Astrocytes do this by forming connections with both neurons and blood vessels in the brain. Which molecules are involved in these connections is largely unknown. In SUPERGLUE the researchers use advanced techniques to map these molecules and cellular interactions, taking an important step in our understanding of information processing by the brain.

The value of fundamental research
The research consortia do share one common and essential goal: to take a big step in the direction of curiosity-driven research by consortia. The Open Competition ENW-XL is essential for the sciences as the only instrument for fundamental collaboration.
With this funding, it is up to the researchers to start, strengthen or expand groundbreaking and innovative world-class research lines together. The value of fundamental research: ’Many of the results of fundamental research eventually end up in society. You just don’t know in advance how and when. Think of fundamental mathematical research, much of that is eventually reflected in logistics. Without fundamental research, there is no foundation to build on.’
Read more on the NWO website.