Upon the departure of the Vice Rector Magnificus last year, a possible new governance model for TU Delft was discussed in the run-up to the recruitment of a new Executive Board member. It was considered whether the current combination of Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board (EB) was still appropriate, or whether these two positions should be assigned to two different EB members. The governance model has therefore been evaluated, also at the request of the Works and Student Councils, and under the leadership of the Supervisory Board (SB). The conclusion is that, as the position of rector and that of president both require a great deal of time and commitment, the current governance model will be adjusted. The focus of these roles is very different: the rector focuses on the internal (academic) organization, while the president has an external focus towards stakeholders, governments and other universities. Both will require a great deal of time and attention in the future.
In recent months, interviews have taken place with the current Rector Magnificus/President, Deans, Directors of University Services, Pro Vice Rectors and the Council of Professors, among others. The Confidential Committees of the Works and Students Councils have also been consulted. Following these discussions, the SB found a slight preference for a -separate modelover the current -combined model-. Both models obviously have advantages and disadvantages. The combined model is more common internationally. Nevertheless, the current governance model is no longer the most ideal when looking at the future of TU Delft. This was clear from the interviews. Much is happening at TU Delft that requires attention both internally and externally For example, the changing (geo)political context, the development of the Rotterdam campus, the Convergence Collaboration, and social safety. With a view to the future, the Supervisory Board has therefore decided to adopt a model with separate roles for the rector and the president.
New composition of the Executive Board
The distribution of roles and portfolios within the Executive Board will change as a result of this proposed decision. The recruitment process for the new Executive Board member to replace Rob Mudde included a specific provision for a newly hired Vice Rector Magnificus (VRM) candidate to be appointed to the position of Rector Magnificus (RM). This would require an additional appointment procedure, which is currently being prepared. It is expected that Tim van der Hagen will hand over his duties as Rector Magnificus (after eight years) and President (after almost ten years) in January 2026, during the Dies Natalis celebration, TU Delft-s -birthday-.
The first term of office of EB member Marien van der Meer will come to an end next summer and will not be renewed. -After the summer it will be time for me to do something else. I will make way for new leadership. By taking this decision now, we can start recruiting my successor well in advance and the continuity of the administration will not be jeopardised.- Marien van der Meer will stay until the end of her term. -TU Delft is a fine organisation with dedicated staff. I am going to miss TU Delft and all those working here. I want to thank everyone, inside and outside of the organisation, for working together.- The SB is very grateful to Marien van der Meer for her contribution over the past years. -Marien took up her post in a complex period and has created a positive dynamic within the Executive Board, from which the whole of TU Delft has benefited,- says the Chair of the Supervisory Board, Tijo Collot d’Escury.
-This is a difficult puzzle we are putting together, with many pieces to be put in place-, said the chair of the SB. -We see that this new governance model will help TU Delft to fulfil its ambitions and to take the necessary care of its internal organisation. In this way, science, education, organisation, businesses and stakeholders will receive the managerial attention they deserve.-
From January 2026, the EB will be fully equipped to start working according to this new model. On 16 December last year, the Supervisory Board adopted a proposal for a decision. The proposal for a new governance model will now be submitted to the Works and Student councils.