The Tilburg School of Catholic Theology (TST) is launching a new two-year master’s degree: Spiritual Care. There is a growing need in society for spiritual care in hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatry and primary care, but also in the judiciary, police and defense for example. The master’s program trains students to become spiritual caregivers who advise people on life and meaning.
The new master’s degree will start in September 2024. Students follow a challenging and varied program that combines the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal development neccessary to become a competent spiritual caregiver. The uniqueness of the program is that it offers a high guarantee of job security because it is designed in response to demand from the field itself. It is the first two-year master’s degree in spiritual care in the Netherlands, is shorter than existing three-year variants and provides more depth in the areas of theory, research and personal development than one-year programs.
Moreover, the University Center for Spiritual Care (UCGV), a network and platform for knowledge, education and research in the field of spiritual care currently led by TST, ensures that recent research finds its way into education. Part of the courses in the program focuses on promoting an inquisitive attitude for future spiritual caregivers, through the research learning line.
Working in care facilities, prison or armed forces
Other subjects connect to the learning line identity and dialogue, in which academic theory and dealing with philosophical diversity in practice are closely linked. The connection between theory and practice is further promoted by the fact that students in the lectures do a lot of case-oriented work and gain practical experience through academic internships in, for example, a hospital, nursing home, care facilities or a prison, in the armed forces or in primary care. Subjects within the program include spirituality and ritual, identity and diversity in dialogue, ethical issues, spiritual care and psychopathology.
The review committee that granted accreditation commented positively on both course content and teachers: ’the profile of the new course is well thought out and is strongly in line with the needs and expectations of the field and potential students’ and ’the teachers are enthusiastic and both professionally and didactically strong’.
Read more about the granted accreditation