wire - news in brief
Computer Science
Results 101 - 150 of 158.
Computer Science - 08.12.2022
Grant for EU research project on explainable artificial intelligence
The EU's Horizon Europe programme granted a budget of ¤4 million for three years for the ENEXA (Efficient Explainable Learning on Knowledge Graphs) project on explainable artificial intelligence.
Innovation - Computer Science - 08.12.2022
’No other technology has changed humanity and the world as quickly and intensely as web- and data-driven intelligent systems (AI)’
"No other technology has changed humanity and the world as quickly and intensely as weband data-driven intelligent systems (AI)" "Our mission is to develop technology that is used by people and integrated into everyday life, making the world a better place.
Innovation - Computer Science - 08.12.2022
’No other technology has changed the world as quickly and intensely as web- and data-driven intelligent systems (AI)’
"Our mission is to develop technology that is used by people and integrated into everyday life, making the world a better place.
Computer Science - 28.11.2022
JOINclusion: developing kids’ soft skills through a collaborative app
How do you teach children empathy? The new research consortium JOINclusion, launched on 1 May, aims to help increase social inclusion among children between 7 and 12 years old, especially in multicultural classrooms.
Computer Science - 24.11.2022
PhD candidate improves image classification with just one extra line of code
When current machine learning systems are trained on a dataset of images, they struggle to learn from examples that don't occur often.
Health - Computer Science - 23.11.2022
Smart watch to detect unwitnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests
The University of Twente and its partners are developing a smart wearable to automatically and reliably detect out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), and to trigger an immediate emergency response.
Computer Science - Campus - 22.11.2022
Save the Date: Societal Impact of AI & Data Science, 24 March 2023
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 22.11.2022
ERC Starting Grants for six research projects, including bullying, AI and brain mechanisms
Six researchers at Radboud University receive a Starting Grant of the European Rersearch Council (ERC).
Computer Science - 17.11.2022

Researchers give insights in why they join the Programming Café of RDM Support The Programming Café is held every last Wednesday of the month between 3 and 5 p.m. at Utrecht Science Park.
Computer Science - Earth Sciences - 17.11.2022

Utrecht scientists developed the OceanParcels computer program that shows how plastic, bacteria and other particles move around the ocean.
Computer Science - Innovation - 15.11.2022
How to reach Bali?
In the recent years, we all observed how countries and institutions relied on digital tools to deal with the COVID shocks.
Computer Science - Law - 14.11.2022
Utrecht Data School was invited to the European Parliament to talk about FRAIA
Computer Science - Social Sciences - 04.11.2022

Computer Science - 03.11.2022
Gerard Barkema appointed Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Science
Computer Science - Career - 21.10.2022

Health - Computer Science - 05.10.2022
AI-powered curation and publishing of personal health data
Computer Science - Event - 03.10.2022

Computer Science - 30.09.2022
Opening Delta Lab 2
Innovation - Computer Science - 29.09.2022

Five hot topics surrounding artificial intelligence in questions and answers Artificial intelligence is an important area of research at TU/e.
Computer Science - 26.09.2022
Viewing computer science through the lens of cryptography
Event - Computer Science - 16.09.2022
Mariëlle Stoelinga wins award for 20-year-old scientific publication
UT professor Mariëlle Stoelinga has been awarded the Test of Time Award at the International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), a highly regarded worldwide scientific meeting in the field of theoretical computing.
Event - Computer Science - 16.09.2022
Mariëlle Stoelinga wins award for 20-year-old publication
Campus - Computer Science - 14.09.2022
New bachelor’s programme in Computer Science
Computer Science - 12.09.2022

Care robots, medical treatments, deepfakes and self-driving cars all with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI).
Computer Science - 08.09.2022
AI learns when it is safer to leave a decision to a human expert
Part of being smart is knowing where your limitations lie. Learning AI systems have long been bad at this.
Computer Science - Event - 06.09.2022
Excellent research assessments department Mathematics and Computer Science
Economics - Computer Science - 29.08.2022
University of Twente and ING Bank join up to form ’AI in Finance’
Computer Science - 07.07.2022

In order to improve the ethical and legal compliance of automated decision systems, it is crucial to inspect the full life cycle of the data being used: from the moment the data are being collected to the moment the data are fed into a machine learning system.
Computer Science - Microtechnics - 07.07.2022
ROC Aventus and NIPV officially partner in the Centre for Security and Digitalisation
Computer Science - 05.07.2022
NIST chooses Kyber, Dilithium and SPHINCS+ as standards for post-quantumcryptography
CRYSTALS-KYBER, CRYSTALS-Dilithium and SPHINCS+, three security algorithms created by researchers from Radboud University and other organisations have been selected by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as one the new standards for post-quantum cryptography.
Physics - Computer Science - 01.07.2022
Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers
The Dutch Research Council has awarded 101 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. The grant enables them to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group in the coming five years. TU Delft's Vidi laureates: Dr. Katerina Stanková (TPM) This research investigates novel game theoretic models and combines these with data science and control theory to improve standard of care in cancer treatment.
Computer Science - 23.06.2022
Successful FACT-AI course leads to student awards
Computer Science - Mathematics - 09.06.2022

Computer Science - Innovation - 16.05.2022
Large NWA grant for research into the social impact of quantum secure cryptography
The arrival of quantum computers will have major societal consequences, especially in the field of cybersecurity.
Computer Science - Innovation - 02.05.2022
Millions in funding allocated to research into ’the algorithmic society’
Career - Computer Science - 28.04.2022
The Hidden Labor of Automation
Computer Science - Economics - 25.03.2022

Computer Science - 21.02.2022
First edition of ’The Next Great/Small Transformation’ completed
Computer Science - 01.12.2021
Henkjan Honing en Sanneke Stigter ontvangen PDI-SSH-financiering
In de meest recente financieringsronde van het PDI-SSH zijn de projecten van UvA-geesteswetenschappers Henkjan Honing en Sanneke Stigter gehonoreerd.
Computer Science - Health - 28.10.2021
Data Science Day 2021
The inaugural Data Science Day showcased the data-driven research taking place at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Computer Science - 26.10.2021
UvA signed Memorandum of Understanding for Quantum Application Lab
Last week a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the six partners of the Quantum Application Lab, of which the University of Amsterdam.
Computer Science - Health - 22.10.2021
The UvA Data Science Centre announces 7 new interdisciplinary data science PhD positions
Economics - Computer Science - 21.09.2021
Amsterdam Business School investigates use of AI to detect accounting fraud
Is it possible to identify accounting fraud from the published financial statements of quoted companies? Indranil Bhattacharya, a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam Business School (ABS) thinks it is.
Computer Science - 08.07.2021
SLICES added to ESFRI 2021 Roadmap
Health - Computer Science - 09.06.2021
The start of the AI for Oncology lab, a new ICAI Lab
Computer Science - Physics - 14.04.2021
Tremendous Boost for Quantum Research in the Amsterdam Ecosystem
Law - Computer Science - 15.03.2021
AI in law: language model can speed up the work of lawyers
The use of AI models can help legal practitioners understand complex legal texts. Julien Rossi, Amsterdam Business School researcher, is trying to find out how such a solution might work.
Computer Science - Economics - 03.03.2021
’The combination of operations research and data science is like a happy marriage’
Dr Ilker Birbil is taking up a position as Professor of Artificial Intelligence & Optimisation Techniques for Business and Society at UvA's Amsterdam Business School starting 1 May.
Computer Science - 17.02.2021
AUAS and UvA target of cyber attack (update)
Computer Science - Innovation - 08.02.2021
’My research is breaking up the silos’
Recent study by Dr Kristina Irion joins up three EU policy areas that intersect in the digital age: consumer protection, EU governance of AI and EU external trade.
Life Sciences - Jan 29
TU Delft develops 3D-printed brain-like environment that promotes neuron growth
TU Delft develops 3D-printed brain-like environment that promotes neuron growth