Call Institute for Preventive Health

This call emanates from the Alliance’s Institute for Preventive Health (EWUU). This call aims to accelerate research focused on Preventive Health and to facilitate and financially support interdisciplinary collaborations between the four alliance institutions. The grants are intended for projects aimed at conducting preliminary research in order to be able to apply for a larger grant application or for activities to support the preparation of such a grant application. Application deadline is October 21, 2022.

Research Themes

The aim of this first seed-funding round is to facilitate and financially support interdisciplinary and collaborative initiatives that contribute to the mission and research goals of our Institute 4 Preventive Health (i4PH). We especially encourage (applied or methodological) project proposals that focus on major grant initiatives related to the following four research lines of i4PH:

  • Healthy start
  • Preserving health
  • Health @ Home
  • Living with disease


I4PH awards grants of ¤40.000 for activities to support the preparation of a larger grant application.


Application deadline is October 21, 2022, 6:00 PM.