Mechanical Engineering
Results 1 - 3 of 3.
Mechanical Engineering - 10.03.2023
Solar Team Twente presents tenth solar car: RED X
Solar Team Twente presented its new solar car, with which they will participate in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in October this year.
Mechanical Engineering - Economics - 19.01.2023
UT and Netherlands Defence Academy expand research into smart maintenance
Previous article Next article Using data to predict the best moments to perform maintenance on systems and machines, that is -smart maintenance-.
Transport - Mechanical Engineering - 02.11.2022
UT improves wind tunnel measurements for low noise aircraft design
Aircraft noise is an irritating source of ambient noise and a significant cause of stress for local residents and animals in the vicinity of airports. Reducing aircraft noise is a major social issue in the Netherlands, as evidenced by the discussions on the permitted number of flight movements at Schiphol.