Results 101 - 120 of 176.
Environment - 23.01.2023
More uncontrollable wildfires in the Netherlands with greater impact on society
Sorry! De informatie die je zoekt, is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. You are not logged in yet to My study choice Portal. Login or create an account to save your programmes. In future, larger areas of the Netherlands will face an increase in wildfires, which may also increase in intensity. These are the findings of a consortium of experts from the Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV), the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Wageningen University & Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Deltares.
Environment - 16.01.2023
Climate risk to ports could have a huge economic impact
Nearly nine in ten major ports globally are exposed to damaging climate hazards, resulting in escalating economic impacts on global trade and world economies. This is according to new research led by the University of Oxford and involving climate risk scientist Elco Koks from VU Amsterdam. This is the first study that quantified the climate risks faced by ports in high resolution on a global scale.
Environment - 12.01.2023
Can nature-based climate change adaptation measures benefit the Dutch housing market?
The Netherlands needs to account for climate-driven flood risks when planning new housing advises the Deltaprogramma : where and how we build houses and what governments and homeowners can do to adapt to the increasing flood risks. Nature-based solutions (NbS) are a cornerstone of climate change adaptation worldwide.
Environment - Innovation - 12.01.2023
Antarctic rover performs research in the snow
On January 20, Team POLAR showcases its first vehicle for independent climate research in icy, inhospitable regions such as the North and South Poles.
Environment - Innovation - 21.12.2022
Optimizing workspaces for headspaces. Can the right ambient conditions foster team creativity?
Interview with Melisa Yildiz, Ph.D. Candidate at Hasselt University, BE and Maastricht University, NL, and Felix van den Horst, CEO of Clairify B.V. That is precisely what Melisa Yildiz is researching at the moment. She presented the results she's gotten at the HealthBuild conference, and they look very promising.
Agronomy / Food Science - Environment - 16.12.2022
Calculate the land-use impact of your diet
Agriculture is one of the leading causes of human induced land-use change globally. Our food consumption and production, especially in industrialised countries, is thereby damaging the planet.
Environment - Life Sciences - 14.12.2022
Biodiversity is crucial to cope with climate change
This week, the biodiversity conference takes place in Montreal, after it was postponed by Covid-19 in the Chinese city of Kunming last May. That postponement was worrying, says Professor of Land Use and Biodiversity Merel Soons , because time is running out for nature conservation. The reason our biodiversity is declining so much is well known.
Environment - 13.12.2022
"digital twin" of cities to improve urban planning
A team of UT researchers from the Faculties of ITC, BMS and ET has recently published a new study published in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation that found using digital twins can improve planning and coordination in cities. Digital twins are digital representations of physical objects or systems, and have been widely used in manufacturing, construction, and maintenance to improve planning and coordination.
Environment - Computer Science - 13.12.2022
Top 10 finish students Team Epoch in global competition coding for sustainability
TU Delft Dream Team Epoch has achieved ninth place in their first competition of the year, the CityLearn Challenge. Engaged in a battle with 110 other teams from around the world, including Microsoft, the TU Delft students developed a new AI algorithm that contributes to better and smarter energy systems.
Chemistry - Environment - 13.12.2022
Using machine learning to improve the toxicity assessment of chemicals
Researchers of the University of Amsterdam, together with colleagues at the University of Queensland and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, have developed a strategy for assessing the toxicity of chemicals using machine learning. They present their approach in an article in Environmental Science & Technology for the special issue "Data Science for Advancing Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology".
Environment - 11.12.2022
International Mountain Day: three projects in the spotlight
Today is International Mountain Day. Mountains are of immeasurable value in our daily existence. Not only does 15% of the world's population live in mountainous areas, mountains also contain some 50% of biodiversity hotspots and provide half of humanity with fresh water. At Utrecht University, we do a lot of research on water management in these important mountain areas.
Pedagogy - Environment - 09.12.2022
Poor classroom air negatively affects learning performance
Since the corona crisis, school ventilation has been in the spotlight, especially to prevent the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Research published today by Maastricht University (UM) shows that poor ventilation also affects the test scores of elementary school students and thus the core task of schools, good education.
Environment - 07.12.2022
Circular bioplastics offer solution for climate crisis and growing resource consumption
Joint press release by Utrecht University and Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) A circular bioeconomy can dramatically rein in the fast-growing plastic sector's climate, pollution, and resource consumption impacts.
Environment - 07.12.2022
Novel technology for detecting and identifying traces of micro and nano plastics in consumable water
Micro and nano plastics are everywhere: in the air, in seas and rivers, in soil, and in plants and animals.
Environment - Computer Science - 01.12.2022
New model offers opportunity to protect migrating birds
Researchers at the University of Amsterdam have developed a model that can accurately predict the current migration routes of migratory birds. This offers the possibility of taking adequate measures at the right time when birds are at risk from air traffic or infrastructure. The researchers published their work in the scientific journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution by the end of October.
Transport - Environment - 01.12.2022
Most nitrogen deposition from aviation comes from high altitude
Aircraft emit nitrogen oxides and other emissions during both the LTO-phase (taxiing, take-off and landing) and when flying at high altitudes. These emissions return to the ground, resulting in nitrogen deposited over land and water bodies. Using an atmospheric model, researchers at TU Delft have quantified - for the first time - that in 2019 aviation was responsible for just under 1.2% of total global nitrogen deposition from all sources (anthropogenic and natural).
Earth Sciences - Environment - 16.11.2022
Buffer effect of Greenland’s firn could cease around 2130
Increasing melt threatens to saturate the firn layer that covers the Greenland ice sheet. Saturation of this layer will dramatically increase global sea level rise, adding about 9 mm a year from the Greenland ice sheet alone (the current sea level rise from all sources is about 4 mm per year). A new study by researchers from Utrecht University, the US National Center for Atmospheric Research, and University of Colorado Boulder now shows that this threshold could be reached as early as the first half of the 22 century.
Environment - Life Sciences - 09.11.2022
Biologist Joeri Zwerts experiences the impact of his biodiversity research at global FSC meeting
By presenting his research findings at a major international meeting, Joeri Zwerts experienced how he makes societal impact as a scientist. Last month, Zwerts spoke at the general assembly of global forest certification organization the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). At this meeting, he presented his research about the effect of FSC conservation measures on wild mammal populations in Gabon and Congo.
Chemistry - Environment - 08.11.2022
100% efficient electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide
Researchers from the University of Twente, in collaboration with Shell, developed a new mechanism that makes the conversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide, which is an essential feedstock in the production of chemicals. Within this project under the umbrella of the Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC), the researchers published their findings in the scientific journal ACS Energy Letters.
Environment - Innovation - 04.11.2022
Making salt water fresh on Lampedusa
Since last week, a large-scale demo installation in Lampedusa is producing drinking water, salts and chemicals from seawater in an environmentally friendly way. Project leader Dimitris Xevgenos: "This is the first time that we're producing these marketable products at pre-commercial scale in Europe together with the right actors, including the use of waste heat.
Health - Aug 7
ERC Proof of Concept grant for development of early warning system for potential pandemic viruses
ERC Proof of Concept grant for development of early warning system for potential pandemic viruses
Environment - Jul 9
Climate Council advises government: Act decisively and with policy on CO2 removal to meet climate goals
Climate Council advises government: Act decisively and with policy on CO2 removal to meet climate goals
Environment - Jul 8
Michelle van Vliet appointed Professor of Water Quality and Sustainable Water Systems
Michelle van Vliet appointed Professor of Water Quality and Sustainable Water Systems