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Career - Economics - 18.09.2024 - Today
International Equal Pay Day: UvA EB research on the gender pay gap and beyond
International Equal Pay Day: UvA EB research on the gender pay gap and beyond
On 18 September it's International Equal Pay Day-a day to reflect on the global fight for equal pay between men and women. At UvA Economics and Business, this topic is examined from a variety of angles. From fatherhood bonuses and diversity issues in tech startups to the impact of contraception on women's careers-these studies shed light on the hidden dynamics behind the gender gap.

Economics - 30.06.2024
Loving what you do is the key to selling your product successfully
Online marketplaces like Etsy and UpWork are turning millions of individuals into business owners overnight. So, what should sellers say about themselves and their products to turn their online shop into a success? Tilburg researchers Anna Paley and Robert Smith discovered that one of the best things sellers can mention is that they enjoy their work.

Economics - 19.06.2024
Model explains spontaneous explosions of delays in supply chains
Model explains spontaneous explosions of delays in supply chains
A group of scientists has developed a model that explains how schedule-based systems, such as supply chains and railways, can be prone to spontaneous explosions of large-scale delays. The researchers recommend system operators to prioritize resilience, alongside efficiency, for better long-term outcomes.

Pharmacology - Economics - 26.03.2024
How to prevent social desirability bias in surveys
Marketing researcher Rik Pieters has developed, together with colleagues from other universities, a new, indirect questioning technique to improve the chance that people answer truthfully. The technique can be used, for instance, in conducting surveys or in making policies. Chances are that people tend to give socially desirable answers to direct survey questions on sensitive subjects, like watching porn, smoking during pregnancy, theft in the supermarket or illegal acquisition of prescription drugs.

Health - Economics - 26.02.2024
No-claim settlement can be an alternative to the deductible
The deductible and patient costs are important topics in the political debate in the Netherlands. According to health economics professor Martin Salm, a viable alternative could be the no-claim scheme, which was previously abolished in the Netherlands. He researched how no-claim refunds influence claiming behavior at a large German health insurer.

Economics - 15.01.2024
Bonus boost: financial incentive also works in creative teams
January, bonus time! Many companies pay out bonuses at the end of January. Economist David Schindler investigated whether bonuses work in modern work environments, where teams have to solve complex problems together. Main conclusion: bonuses are very effective and improve performance in this setting by facilitating the emergence of leadership.

Economics - 24.10.2023
In the subscription economy, research finds that most of us are oversubscribed
How many subscriptions do you have? A large study by Anna Paley and Niels van de Ven from Tilburg University shows that you probably have more than you realize, and that you're spending a lot more money on subscription services than you think. The researchers found a new way of nudging people towards better insight into their finances, which proves to be highly effective in helping the oversubscribed cut down on their monthly subscription charges.

Environment - Economics - 24.08.2023
Voluntary carbon credits offset nothing more than hot air
Voluntary carbon credits offset nothing more than hot air
Projects that reduce deforestation often sell carbon credits, for example to consumers buying flight tickets. However, over 90 percent of these credits do not actually offset carbon emissions. That is the conclusion of environmental scientist Thales A.P. West, who is the main author of a paper that was published in Science.

Environment - Economics - 06.07.2023
CO2 offsets from fossil industry prove to be a wash
CO2 offsets from fossil industry prove to be a wash
The climate promises of oil and gas companies are an 'empty box'. That is according to research conducted by scientist Mathieu Blondeel (Institute for Environmental Issues, VU Amsterdam) together with Gregory Trencher (Kyoto University, Japan) and Jusen Asuka (Tohoku University, Japan) on the fossil industry's climate strategy.

Economics - 22.03.2023
Does ESG improve market efficiency?
This blog shows insights into an investigation of the impact of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) on market efficiency. The researchers conducted a lab experiment to examine the degree of investors' disagreement toward a security's return, given ESG information, compared with non-ESG information.

Environment - Economics - 15.02.2023
Even chess experts perform worse when air quality is lower, suggesting a negative effect on cognition
Here's something else chess players need to keep in check: air pollution. That's the bottom line of a newly published study, showing that chess players perform objectively worse and make more suboptimal moves, as measured by a computerized analysis of their games, when there is more fine particulate matter in the air.

Career - Economics - 14.02.2023
NWO Open Competition Grants toegekend aan SBE-onderzoekers
SBE-onderzoekers Anouk Festjens (MSCM) en Nico Pestel (ROA) hebben een NWO-subsidie gekregen voor hun onderzoeksprojecten in het domein Sociale en Geesteswetenschappen (SSH).

Economics - 26.01.2023
Changing letterbox stickers from YES to NO reduces paper waste in Amsterdam
Changing letterbox stickers from YES to NO reduces paper waste in Amsterdam
Sorry! De informatie die je zoekt, is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. You are not logged in yet to My study choice Portal. Login or create an account to save your programmes. A recent study by the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at VU Amsterdam shows that changing letterbox stickers from a system based on refusal (NO) to a system based on permission (YES) results in a 5-10% reduction in paper waste in the Dutch capital.

Mechanical Engineering - Economics - 19.01.2023
UT and Netherlands Defence Academy expand research into smart maintenance
Previous article Next article Using data to predict the best moments to perform maintenance on systems and machines, that is -smart maintenance-.

Economics - 13.12.2022
New research project on Responsible Gambling launches at EUR
New research project on Responsible Gambling launches at EUR
A new research project from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam (UvA) launches a 4-year project entitled 'A Safe Bet: design and evaluation of a player-tailored online responsible gambling promotion framework'. The researchers will develop and evaluate new tools for online Responsible Gambling (RG).

Innovation - Economics - 15.11.2022
’We should take the lead in this industry’
The test centre for drone and sensor applications Unmanned Valley will get access to a drone-corridor to sea, right over the dunes near Katwijk. This new flight path goes from former air force base Valkenburg (South-Holland) to the North Sea and has just opened. Bart Remes, project manager and researcher at The Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory (MAVlab), which is part of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft, is very pleased with the new test facility.

Career - Economics - 10.11.2022
Paper by Ana Figueiredo published in the Journal of Political Economy
13:27 Publication The paper 'Mismatch Cycles' by Assistant Professor Ana Figueiredo and co-authors Isaac Baley and Robert Ulbricht, has been published in the November issue of the Journal of Political Economy, one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in economics. A novel narrative for the scarring effect of unemployment In their paper, Ana Figueiredo (Erasmus School of Economics) and co-authors Isaac Baley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Robert Ulbricht (Boston College) study the cyclical dynamics of skill mismatch and quantify its impact on labour productivity.

Environment - Economics - 18.10.2022
WWF reports alarming downward trends in biodiversity but also outlines promising paths to recovery
The Living Planet Report published by WWF on 13 October shows well-documented evidence that humanity has far exceeded our planet's safe limits. The second part of the report offers the prospect of solutions. "We need to change the root causes of environmental degradation," state Francisco Alpizar and Jeanne Nel of Wageningen University & Research in their contribution to the report.

Environment - Economics - 18.10.2022
Researchers about alarming WWF report: ’We must act now’
The Living Planet Report published by WWF on 13 October shows well-documented evidence that humanity has far exceeded our planet's safe limits. The second part of the report offers the prospect of solutions. "We need to change the root causes of environmental degradation," state Francisco Alpizar and Jeanne Nel of Wageningen University & Research in their contribution to the report.

Economics - 28.09.2022
How giving pledges encourage effective donations
Each, year people donate more than $500 Billion - equivalent to 2.5% of the US GDP. The sheer size of this amount shows that charitable giving has the potential to play a prominent role in the transition towards a more equal and sustainable society. Many examples how highly effective interventions contributed to a more resilient society exist: eradicating smallpox, almost eradicating polio, and spectacularly decreasing malaria.