Results 1 - 20 of 20.
Health - Campus - 03.09.2024
Better medication combination in heart failure through digital patient consultations
The COVID-19 pandemic made remote consultations necessary for good heart failure care, now it appears to work even better than the traditional care pathway. Research from five Dutch hospitals and researchers of the TechMed Centre of the University of Twente found that using digital consultations improved care while maintaining patient satisfaction.
Chemistry - Campus - 17.06.2024
Scientists solve century-old chemistry riddle
When two solutions of oppositely charged polymers (polyelectrolytes) are mixed, phase separation occurs leading to the formation of a polymer-rich phase and a supernatant phase. The precise distribution of all components, that is polyelectrolytes and counterions, had not yet been determined. Researchers at the University of Twente can now measure quantitatively exactly where these components are distributed using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Psychology - Campus - 22.04.2024
Observing nature makes you happier
Various studies have been conducted in recent years exploring how paying attention to nature can affect our well-being. A preliminary systematic review of these studies, conducted at the University of Twente, has shown that participants generally experience significantly more well-being compared to control groups.
Innovation - Campus - 15.02.2024
No more soporific lectures
In a unique experiment, researchers at the University of Twente conducted brain measurements on 20 students at the same time. During a one-hour lecture that alternated between passive and interactive, the researchers wanted to learn more about changes in students' concentration during lectures. This could lead to wearable technology that tells the lecturer that students' attention is waning.
Campus - 30.01.2024
Finite sphere packing problem: ’sausage catastrophe’
Have you ever wondered what the best way is to pack a finite number of identical spheres into a shape-shifting flexible container, like a convex hull? Researchers from the University of Twente, Active Soft Matter Lab led by Dr. Hanumantha Rao Vutukuri in the TNW Faculty, along with Utrecht University, have investigated this fascinating mathematical sphere-packing problem by combining experiments and computer simulations.
Environment - Campus - 29.11.2023
2.45 million for research into solving PFAS at Utrecht Science Park
Utrecht University's PFAS Remediation Living Lab recently received funding of 2.45 million from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water to research a PFAS-contaminated field at Utrecht University and other locations. Worldwide, large tracts of land are contaminated with PFAS. Instead of the classic "dig and dump" method, the university wants to explore the possibilities of sustainable remediation.
Electroengineering - Campus - 01.11.2023
Measuring 5G antennas in the reverberation chamber
Anouk Hubrechsen defended her PhD thesis cum laude at the Department of Electrical Engineering on October 26th. We are using ever more (smart) devices connected to the 5G network. The high-frequency antennas they contain are often integrated with chips, and this adds a layer of complexity to testing.
Environment - Campus - 13.10.2023
Climate change adaptation actions too uncoordinated worldwide
A new comprehensive survey of more than 1,400 scientific studies has shed light on the challenges of climate change adaptation. The study reveals a critical issue: systematic networking of various actor groups has generally been insufficient. Notably, the main burden has been borne by individuals and households affected by the consequences of climate change.
Environment - Campus - 26.09.2023
Resilience Reflections #9: Speaking each other’s language
Recognising the urgent need to respond to rapid societal and environmental change, resilience is one of the University of Twente's spearheads. As an academic institution, we have a role to play in strengthening the resilience of the social, technological and environmental systems that support us. In this weekly series of the Resilience@UT programme , UT researchers share their personal reflections on current events and trends that impact our daily lives, exploring their implications for resilience.
Campus - 29.06.2023
DeSIRE funded project aims to develop new monitoring strategies for bridges
Like the MX3D bridge in Amsterdam, opened by Her Majesty Queen M痊ima in 2021, one of the bridges on the University of Twente campus is equipped with a sophisticated network of sensors. Roland Kromanis (Facullty of Engineering Technology) is currently working with colleagues applying and calibrating the sensors on the UT campus bridge to measure its performance and, hence, resilience to its daily excitations.
Campus - Computer Science - 26.06.2023
New AI-model with better understanding of images
Generative AI programmes can generate images from textual prompts. These models work best when they generate images of single objects. Creating complete scenes is still difficult. Michael Ying Yang, a UT-researcher from the faculty of ITC recently developed a novel method that can graph scenes from images that can serve as a blueprint for generating realistic and coherent images.
Campus - 24.04.2023
Mastering steel deformation
Tijmen Vermeij researched how to make steel lighter, stronger and more durable. He received his doctorate cum laude from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on Friday, April 21. The automotive industry frequently uses steels containing multiple phases, in particular soft ferrite and hard martensite.
Environment - Campus - 22.03.2023
Fighting drought together with farmers, landowners and scientists
Can a scientist, a farmer and a nature organisation ensure that nature can better withstand periods of extreme drought or massive flooding? Can a 'regular civilian' help to counteract drought and improve biodiversity in our country in the near future by sowing certain species of grass and herbs?If it were up to Dr. Edwin Pos , yes.
Campus - 01.03.2023
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for SBE Researcher
SBE ResearcherJakob Raymaekershas been granted a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for his research project on Causal Discovery. The objective of this Fellowship is to support researchers' careers and to foster excellence in research. "I hope this research will help scientists in a variety of disciplines to discover new and valid causal relations" - Jakob Raymaekers Jakob Raymaekers, Assistant Professor at the deparment of Quantitative Economics (MSCM) Robust Causal Discovery Can we learn causal mechanisms from observational data? The answer is yes, under the right conditions.
Campus - Social Sciences - 16.02.2023
Asking the right questions | Brenda Erens
Dr. started her academic career at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience at Maastricht University. There she did the bachelor in Psychology and subsequently, the master in Forensic Psychology. After graduation, Erens went to work at Veilig Thuis (Safe Home): the advice and report centre for child abuse and domestic violence in Heerlen.
Computer Science - Campus - 30.01.2023
How FAIR is the software landscape of Utrecht University?
Nowadays, it is quite common to develop and use code and software for research. Graduate Keven Quach wanted to know how FAIR the code and software is developed by researchers at Utrecht University. So he dived into GitHub, an online platform where you can develop, manage and publish code and software.
Campus - Psychology - 23.11.2022
Alumnus Fred Atilla wins Unilever Research Prize 2022
Cognitive psychologist and alumnus Fred Atilla of Erasmus University Rotterdam has won the Unilever Research Prize 2022 for his research on how attention and emotions towards COVID-19 evolved among T
Campus - 22.11.2022
TU Delft helps the EU to improve its strategic crisis management
TU Delft Resilience professor Tina Comes played a central role in advising the EU on how to improve its role in transboundary crises. Today she handed over the synthesis of the scientific evidence on crisis management to two European Commissioners and the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Comes chaired the working group that collected the latest scientific evidence and evidence-based policy options to help the EU rethink its approach to risk and crisis management.
Chemistry - Campus - 11.10.2022
Synthetic cells communicate with organic cells
Marleen van Stevendaal has researched how communication between synthetic cells and living tissue can be controlled using chemokines. Many things are already possible when it comes to mimicking organic cells. For example, Jan van Hest's group has developed a synthetic cell platform in which all kinds of cell aspects can be mimicked in order to better understand them.
Campus - 12.07.2022
Summer of inspiration on campus
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