UT designed nanoparticles train immune cells to fight cancer

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As zelftestonderwijs.nl has stopped, students and employees can now pick up free self-test kits for COVID-19

The University of Twente in cooperation with prosthetic world-leading company Ottobock demonstrated a new prosthetic technology at the international congress Rehab Week held in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) between July 25 - 29. This new technology enables leg amputees to control robotic prostheses as a natural extension of the own body. The technology is based on the concept of musculoskeletal modelling and represents an alternative to widely used machine learning methods.

There are millions of people worldwide who suffer from limb amputation. Despite advances, current prosthetic limbs provide limited functionality. Movement in able-bodied individuals begins with electrical impulses sent by the brain that trigger muscles into action. A surrogate of these brain signals can be recorded from peripheral muscles in the form of electromyograms (EMGs) via electrodes placed on the skin.

The researchers created a detailed digital model of a person’s leg and the organic tissues within. Such digital model included the accurate description of the amputee’s lost muscles, tendons and articular joints. The researchers recorded EMG signals from multiple sites in the leg muscles. These signals were then used to determine how virtual muscles in the model would activate and generate force in the leg joints. The predicted movement forces were then transmitted to the robotic prosthesis in real-time.

The technology was demonstrated live at RehabWeek as part of a dedicated workshop titled -Intuitive Bidirectional Control of Bionic Limbs: Bringing across Accademia, Clinics, and Industry-. The workshop was participated by leading research labs worldwide who are collectively advancing the field of bionic limbs.

-Providing means to intuitively control and simultaneously enhance the user awareness of mechatronic devices in all the different situations we encounter in our daily life is the next frontier of innovation in the field of prosthetics and orthotics. This results are taking us a step forward to achieve this goal.-