wire - news in brief
Utrecht University
Results 301 - 350 of 407.
Campus - 18.01.2023
Utrecht University withdraws doctoral degree granted in 2008
Career - Research Management - 17.01.2023
Rubicon grants for Utrecht humanities research in Germany
Materials Science - Innovation - 17.01.2023
In search of the coveted safer, better, longer-lasting battery: BatteryNL kicks off
On the 12 of January a large number of parties involved in the development of batteries in the Netherlands - small companies, multinationals and knowledge institutes - attended the kick off of the BatteryNL consortium.
Chemistry - Event - 16.01.2023
Bert Weckhuysen wins inaugural Chemistry Europe Award
Environment - 11.01.2023
The Van Unnik building comes back to life
The lights are coming back on, in and on the Van Unnik Building. On 11 January 2023, work will start on the Van Unnik Building.
Life Sciences - 11.01.2023
Utrecht University starts research on stranded common dolphin
Environment - Campus - 11.01.2023
Rens Voesenek receives royal decoration
Sport - 22.12.2022
Etnic Sorting in football
Sports clubs and certainly amateur football clubs have become increasingly diverse in terms of ethnic composition in recent decades.
Environment - 20.12.2022
Can the quest to save nature find its guiding star?
There have been times over the past two weeks - as conservationists, scientists, businesses, indigenous people and governments gathered in Montreal, Canada, for the COP15 summit - that all hope of a new global agreement to protect and restore nature seemed lost.
Health - Life Sciences - 16.12.2022
Celia Berkers started as Vice-Dean Research
Environment - 14.12.2022
Prevent new climate plans from actually leading to more pollution
Plans devised for new policies at the climate summit in Egypt should first be examined for risky 'side effects', researchers Pien Barnas and Rak Kim argue.
Life Sciences - Health - 14.12.2022
ZonMW Open Competition Grant for Marta de Ruijter-Villani, Geert Kops and Takashi Hiiragi
Innovation - 14.12.2022
Future-proofing the Dutch coastal system
We have too much sand and silt in the waterways in the Dutch Wadden Sea and Westerschelde. To keep these waterways accessible for ships and ferries, a lot of dredging is done.
Computer Science - Health - 13.12.2022
Utrecht University Motion Capture and Virtual Reality Lab opens its doors
Campus - Innovation - 12.12.2022
European testing ground for educational innovation enters new phase
Social Sciences - 09.12.2022
Going once, going twice... shared!
Sharing content on social networks can create privacy concerns: others could easily share your picture or other personal information without your permission.
Event - Campus - 08.12.2022
GAMAAN research group wins prestigious MRS President’s Medal
Pharmacology - Life Sciences - 08.12.2022
Roos Masereeuw appointed vice-dean of research
Veterinary - 02.12.2022
The Animal Talks: do animals want to be in the media?
A cat with its own Twitter account, advertisements featuring a dog for a car brand, or horses in a movie: we see lots of animals in the media.
Criminology / Forensics - Law - 02.12.2022
Iva Vukusic on the war in Ukraine: (alleged) Russian and Ukrainian war crimes
Health - Life Sciences - 01.12.2022
Edward Nieuwenhuis new Dean of University College Roosevelt
Life Sciences - 30.11.2022
Stairway to Impact Award for biologist Lonneke IJsseldijk
Social Sciences - 30.11.2022
Dutch Data Prize for YOUth study
Career - 29.11.2022
Science show Hoe’Zo! Show back into theatre thanks to grants
The Hoe'Zo! Show by earth scientist Lennart de Groot (UU) and neuroscientist Barbara Braams (VU Amsterdam) receives an ENW Communication Initiative Award.
Environment - Career - 29.11.2022
Ecologist Kathryn Barry receives KNAW Early Career Award
Economics - 29.11.2022
Bob Rijkers appointed as Professor of Political Economy
Campus - 29.11.2022
Incluusion student: ’When I tell my fellow students I am a refugee, they still treat me the same.’
History / Archeology - 29.11.2022
Over twenty UU historians contributed to this extensive new publication
In total, more than a hundred authors contributed to 'Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland' ('Even More Global History of the Netherlands'), editor Professor of Social and Economic History Lex Heerma van Voss says.
Education - 28.11.2022
Utrecht University best Dutch broad classical university
On 24 November, the 'Keuzegids' (Selection Guide) Universities 2023 was published. In the Keuzegids, 20 UU Bachelor's degrees are rated best compared to similar programmes at other Dutch universities.
History / Archeology - 25.11.2022
Call for papers: Migration & Societal Change Conference June 2023
Law - 25.11.2022
Henk Kummeling Chair State Commission on the Rule of Law
Campus - 22.11.2022
What did you think of One Book One Campus?
Career - Health - 22.11.2022
NS inadequately protected employees from chromium-6
Dutch Railways (NS) employees may have come into contact with chromium-6 between 1970 and 2020. It is not known exactly how often or how much this happened.
Life Sciences - Research Management - 22.11.2022
Six Utrecht researchers receive ERC Starting Grant
Six researchers at Utrecht University have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant. The European Research Council awarded the ¤1.5 million grant to Yang Yao , Frederik Verweij , Daan Weits , Niko Wanders , Floris Schuiling and Daan van Uhm.
History / Archeology - 21.11.2022
Jesper Verhoef is the new ’Researcher-in-Residence’ at the KB with research on LGBTQI+ websites
The Royal Library (KB) in The Hague has selected historian and media scholar Jesper Verhoef as KB Researcher-in-Residence 2023 .
Campus - 18.11.2022
Working visit to University of Sydney on 9 and 10 November 2022
Computer Science - 17.11.2022
’The Programming Café saves me hours, or even days, being stuck’
Researchers give insights in why they join the Programming Café of RDM Support The Programming Café is held every last Wednesday of the month between 3 and 5 p.m. at Utrecht Science Park.
Computer Science - Earth Sciences - 17.11.2022
’RDM Support added a unique feature to the OceanParcels code. That’s how we reeled in funding for a new project’
Utrecht scientists developed the OceanParcels computer program that shows how plastic, bacteria and other particles move around the ocean.
Research Management - Career - 15.11.2022
Grants for Open Science and FAIR Research IT projects
Physics - 15.11.2022
Fifty years of Utrecht radiation practicals at secondary schools
It was fifty years ago this week that Utrecht physicists started giving a practicum with radioactive substances at secondary schools.
Computer Science - Law - 14.11.2022
Utrecht Data School was invited to the European Parliament to talk about FRAIA
Veterinary - 14.11.2022
Take animal cruelty seriously and report it
Life Sciences - Environment - 14.11.2022
Fungus that turns ants into zombies falls prey to other fungi itself
A fungus that turns ants into zombies sometimes becomes the victim of other fungal species itself.
Innovation - Campus - 11.11.2022
Looking back and looking forward at the CHARM-EU Conference on 13 and 14 December
Religions - 11.11.2022
Poetry as protest: Iranian poet spoke out for women’s self-determination 100 years ago
Sport - Earth Sciences - 11.11.2022
NWA grant for two Geosciences public engagement initiatives
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 10.11.2022
Inaugural lecture James Kennedy
Campus - 07.11.2022
National platform for threatened scientists launched
Getting involved in the public debate as a scientist provides valuable interaction, but sometimes leads to intimidation, threats and hate reactions.
Pedagogy - 07.11.2022
ISSOTL 2023 Conference ’Context Matters’ in Utrecht!
Environment - 05.11.2022
How will the Dutch lowlands respond when the sea level rises by two and by five metres?
Climate change is not leaving rich countries untouched. Researchers from Utrecht University have mapped what will happen to the Netherlands at two and at five metres of sea level rise if we only maintain the current water management system and do not take additional measures.