TU/e and HTCE join hands for even more cross-fertilization

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TU/e President Robert-Jan Smits (left) and HTCE CEO Otto van den Boogaard sign t
TU/e President Robert-Jan Smits (left) and HTCE CEO Otto van den Boogaard sign the Memorandum of Understanding. Photo: HTCE
The two parties now want to expand connection even further.

TU/e and HTCE have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to investigate how they can achieve even greater cross-fertilization and impact. The HTCE and TU/e campuses each have a unique and highly important place in Brainport’s innovation ecosystem and already share many points of intersection. The two parties now want to expand that connection even further in order to stimulate open innovation, education and entrepreneurship in Brainport and achieve even greater societal impact.

The collaboration between the two campuses has deep roots. For decades, TU/e has worked intensively on research and innovation with Philips, the founder of the HTCE, as well as with other companies on the HTCE such as NXP and Signify. Many TU/e student teams also work with companies on the HTCE, while TU/e start-ups regularly transition from the university campus to the HTCE. A good example is rising star Smart Photonics, a photonics company that originated at TU/e and has now been based on the HTCE for many years. The HTCE also regularly organizes lectures and events together with TU/e.

Intensifying cross-fertilization

The aim of both parties is to intensify this cross-fertilization even further, for which they have plenty of ideas. Among other things, they will look at how companies, students and researchers can become even better connected. Example include the organization of academic conferences and seminars and guest lectures by TU/e professors and the initiation of collaborations in areas such as AI, health and semicon. In addition, the parties are considering a special support system for student teams and collaboration with The Gate to help aspiring entrepreneurs. To facilitate all’of this, the establishment of a dedicated TU/e hub on the HTCE is being explored. This would provide organization and coordination of these elements, as well as internships and traineeship programs.

Earning power of the future

Robert-Jan Smits, president of the TU/e Executive Board: "Given the central role of both campuses in Brainport’s innovation ecosystem and their enormous importance to the Dutch knowledge economy, it is only logical that we try to achieve maximum cross-fertilization. Not only for the Dutch earning power of the future, but also to make an even better contribution to solutions for societal problems and to the goals of the national investment program Beethoven."

Campus Squared

Otto van den Boogaard, CEO of HTCE, adds, "The interwoven networks of both campuses create a ’Campus Squared’: an ecosystem with global allure that accelerates innovation. A shared open innovation hub on the HTCE is a clear dot on the horizon within this collaboration. It will become an inspiring meeting place where companies, researchers and students come together to exchange ideas, collaborate and celebrate innovation. This aligns perfectly with our mission to optimally facilitate the growth of companies in the Brainport region."