TechMed Centre and ECIU partner Tampere University organise Joint Research Day

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On April 4th, the two ECIU partners, the Technical Medical Centre of the University of Twente and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology at Tampere University organized a joint research day to enhance their partnership in research, education and innovation in the fields of biomedical engineering, health technology and biosciences.

Over 100 researchers participated in the joint research day, which provided an opportunity to initiate new collaborative projects. The event aimed to foster collaboration and deepen their existing relationship based on initial collaboration areas identified during a visit by a delegation from the TechMed Centre to the MET faculty in October 2022. During the online event, thirty younger researchers from both institutions (fifteen from each university) presented their research pitches in five thematic sessions. These included Organ-on-a-chip, eHealth & Data Science, Oncology, Cell Tissue & Biomaterials Engineering, and Biomedical Sensors & Systems.

Inspiring sessions 

For example in the inspiring and diverse session on eHealth & Data Science, moderated by Dr Monique Tabak from the University of Twente, researchers gave a presentation about ’tracking neurodegeneration in the elderly’, ’developing decision support systems for the elderly or for personalized interventions’, ’predicting the development of aneurysms’ and ’eHealth support for people with a CVA’. Prof. Robert Passier from the University of Twente, the moderator of the Organ-on-a-chip session, praised the event as a good opportunity to hear short scientific presentations from both universities and suggested that the travel vouchers provided a great incentive to initiate joint research projects.

Collaboration vouchers

After the event, all participants were invited to apply for TAU-UT collaboration vouchers worth ¤5,000 each to support visits and short stays of research group members at the other university and to perform initial joint research experiments leading to a joint publication or grant application. More information about the research sessions and pitches can be found on the.