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Research Management

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Career - Research Management - 05.09.2024
ERC Starting Grant for two UT researchers

Research Management - Innovation - 05.09.2024
ERC Starting Grant for five TU Delft researchers

Research Management - 14.06.2024
Karlijn van Vlerken obtains NWO PhD in the Humanities grant

Research Management - Environment - 05.06.2024
Five TU Delft researchers receive Marie Curie grant

Research Management - 04.06.2024
TU Delft maintains top 50 position in QS World University Ranking

Innovation - Research Management - 23.04.2024
Report: TU/e is a shining example of a 4th generation university

Research Management - Law - 11.04.2024
Five ERC Advanced Grants for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Health - Research Management - 11.04.2024
ERC Advanced grant for pancreatic cancer research

Research Management - 08.02.2024
Increase the reliability of rankings by sharing your opinion

Mechanical Engineering - Research Management - 08.01.2024
New year, new name: 3mE is now called Mechanical Engineering

Health - Research Management - 20.12.2023
Building long-term relationships with Erasmus+

Research Management - 19.12.2023
Open Science on Track Day: Marks the next phase of open science

Research Management - 14.12.2023
'Open Science pioneer' receives silver medal
’Open Science pioneer’ receives silver medal

Research Management - Environment - 11.12.2023
TU Delft ranked 14th worldwide on Sustainability

Research Management - 28.11.2023
NWO supports TU/e research on concrete printing and early diagnosis of pregnancy complications
NWO supports TU/e research on concrete printing and early diagnosis of pregnancy complications

Health - Research Management - 23.11.2023
Erin La Cour wins ERC Consolidator Grant

Career - Research Management - 23.11.2023
ERC consolidator grant for three UT scientists

Innovation - Research Management - 21.11.2023
TU/e 7th in new European rankings of universities of technology
TU/e 7th in new European rankings of universities of technology

Research Management - 10.11.2023
Loss of research data Yoda

Environment - Research Management - 06.11.2023
UT calls on collaboration partners to commit to Paris agreement
As active advocates of the energy transition, we call on our partners in the fossil industry and the energy sector to commit to the Paris Agreement.

Research Management - 06.11.2023
TU Delft claims 16th place in THE Engineering & Technology rankings

Research Management - 23.10.2023
Researchers launch online escape room to get you thinking about Open Science
Researchers launch online escape room to get you thinking about Open Science
Open Science is an increasingly important part of conducting research. To increase the familiarity of the concept, the team of the Open Science Escape Room project (OSER) designed the online escape room Last Contact.

Research Management - 12.10.2023
Ted Sanders named Desiderius Erasmus Chair in Belgium
Ted Sanders named Desiderius Erasmus Chair in Belgium

Research Management - 12.10.2023
Ted Sanders visiting professor at Belgian Erasmus Chair
Ted Sanders visiting professor at Belgian Erasmus Chair

Research Management - 29.09.2023
Why UU is missing in the THE ranking

Research Management - 27.09.2023
TU Delft rising to 48th spot in THE ranking

Research Management - Campus - 22.08.2023
Shanghai ARWU ranking 2023 has been released

Research Management - 11.07.2023
Horizon grants for two consortia led by Utrecht researchers

Research Management - 11.07.2023
Tilburg University and the City of Tilburg develop joint broad prosperity research program
On July 11, 2023, Tilburg University and the City of Tilburg have adopted a roadmap for a co-creative research program in the field of broad prosperity in the local communities and broad prosperity in business. This research program is part of the agreement between the City and the university to take cooperation to an even higher level.

Research Management - Campus - 30.06.2023
QS Ranking: TU/e most international university in terms of faculty
QS Ranking: TU/e most international university in terms of faculty

Research Management - 29.06.2023
TU Delft climbs QS World University Ranking

Research Management - Campus - 27.06.2023
Resilience Reflections #3: Resilience research funding

Life Sciences - Research Management - 22.06.2023
CWTS Ranking 2023 emphasizes strong TU/e collaboration with industry
CWTS Ranking 2023 emphasizes strong TU/e collaboration with industry

Research Management - Astronomy / Space - 09.05.2023
Over ¤3 million for Organ-on-Chip Development

Health - Research Management - 11.04.2023
Rubicon-grant for researcher Radboudumc

Life Sciences - Research Management - 30.03.2023
ERC Advanced Grant for Huib Mansvelder

Research Management - Career - 30.03.2023
ERC Advanced Grants for Guido Bacciagaluppi and Rebecca Bryant
ERC Advanced Grants for Guido Bacciagaluppi and Rebecca Bryant

Campus - Research Management - 28.03.2023
Eight Marie Curie Fellowships from European Commission for research at the UvA

Research Management - 28.03.2023
TU Delft retains position in top 15 of world QS Engineering & Technology Ranking

Research Management - Computer Science - 22.03.2023
UvA Communication & Media Studies again at No. 1 in QS Rankings

Health - Research Management - 21.03.2023
Universities collaborate on prevention and health promotion research in new Medical Delta program
Universities collaborate on prevention and health promotion research in new Medical Delta program
Leiden University, LUMC, Health Campus The Hague, TU Delft, Erasmus MC, and Erasmus University will closely collaborate in a new scientific program in the area of prevention and health research.

Research Management - 21.03.2023
Looking back: the first two years of Horizon Europe

Research Management - Career - 28.02.2023
Focus on Energy and Health for Eindhoven University Fund
Focus on Energy and Health for Eindhoven University Fund
Alumni donations make radical research possible through the new UFe theme funds. For the energy transition and the issues surrounding sustainable health, the Eindhoven University Fund has come up with the Energy Health theme funds.

Environment - Research Management - 20.02.2023
¤18 million for research on the sustainable use of our subsurface
Increased use of the subsurface, for example for geothermal energy production or subsurface storage, is crucial for achieving the (inter)national goals for greenhouse gas emissions. Today it was announced that EPOS-eNLarge, a research project that focuses on efficient and safe use of the Dutch subsurface, is one of the projects to be awarded through the Dutch Research Council (NWO) large-scale research infrastructure call.

Environment - Research Management - 16.02.2023
Playing with computer models via a physical game board: the Virtual River game

Research Management - Event - 16.02.2023
YERUN Open Science Awards 2022: Two UM winners

Research Management - Career - 31.01.2023
ERC Consolidator Grant for mosaic membrane development by Wiebe de Vos
Previous article Next article UT researcher Wiebe de Vos has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant totalling €2 million to develop a new membrane with alternating positively and negatively charged domains.

Campus - Research Management - 31.01.2023
Faculty of Humanities publishes more than 40 vacancies for assistant professors

Research Management - Career - 31.01.2023
ERC Consolidator grants for TU Delft researchers

Research Management - Social Sciences - 31.01.2023
ERC Consolidator Grants for research on ’politics of the periphery’ in Latin America and medieval social norms
Two Radboud researchers are set to receive a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC): Martijn Koster is a researcher from Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies, and Sven Meeder is Assistant Professor of Medieval History.
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