Registration for workshops Wetenschnapps XL open

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The programme for Wetenschnapps XL is definitive and registration for the workshops is now open! For some workshops the number of places is limited, so make your choice on time.

Good co-operation and collaboration is essential for meaningful contact between science and society. Collaboration between citizens and researchers, between support and academic staff, between universities and stakeholders, between researchers.

We will explore aspects of this collaboration in the new edition of Wetenschnapps, the inspiration and development events organised by the  Centre for Science and Culture. This time together with research and support staff of Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht, Wageningen University & Research, Eindhoven University of Technology and Leiden University.

Do you work in a team that sometimes engages a general audience? Do you plan to develop public activities? Do you have knowledge and experience in public engagement to share, or do you wish to learn from colleagues? Join us on this Wetenschnapps! We share inspiration and knowledge and together we think about how to achieve effective public engagement.


  • Special guests Margaret Gold, Coordinator of the Citizen Science Lab at Leiden University and  Helianthe Kort, lector at University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and professor at TU/e
  • Shared Stories, where researchers share their experiences, a.o. about Public Engagement Seedfund projects, Team Science and citizen science
  • Workshops on measuring impact, dialogue training, the impact plan approach and design of a public activity

Please see the  programme.

Date: 4 October 2022, from 11.00 - 18.00
Place: Social Impact Factory Utrecht
Registration for the workshops (free): you can register via  this form. Please indicate a first and second choice, as the number of places is limited for some workshops.