Plans for a large solar park in Bunnik

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Utrecht University (UU) wants to be CO2 neutral by 2030. Making the university more sustainable is partly possible with solar energy. Most buildings are therefore fitted with solar panels. To make big steps, larger park arrangements of solar panels are also needed. These do not physically fit in the Utrecht Science Park (USP). Therefore, UU is in talks with solar park developer IX Zon about the rights to build 50% of a large solar park in Bunnik and operate it for 30 years.

"An opportunity we seize with both hands"

UU’s energy supply accounts for 65% of the university’s total CO2 footprint. Making sustainability feasible is partly possible with solar energy: many solar panels have already been installed on roofs and carports, for example. "The university is serious about reducing our CO2 emissions," said Margot van der Starre, vice president of the Executive Board, "We are doing everything we can to achieve that and that includes looking for solutions off campus. The solar park in Bunnik is one such solution. An opportunity we are therefore seizing with both hands."

From 3% to 20% self-generated solar energy in one step

Solar park developer IX Zon (IX Zonnig BV) is offering a ready-to-build solar park over two kilometres from the USP after four years of development. This solar park can be connected to the USP’s electricity network via a direct connection. This will add a financially interesting solar energy production facility to UU’s renewable energy production, comparable to a solar park developed on its premises. This would increase the share of self-generated solar energy in one step from about 3% to about 20% of UU’s current electricity demand. It has been calculated that the UU portion of the solar park will generate about 8 million kilowatt hours per year. "This means that we also become significantly less dependent on our thermal power plant to generate electricity. And therefore need less gas," Van der Starre informs.

University council member Tamara Luiken, a student member of the Finance, Housing, ICT and Sustainability (FHID) committee, has recently been working hard for the solar park together with colleagues: "We are extremely happy with this development. Within UU’s sustainable ambitions, this solar park is a great step forward."

The exploitation will involve cooperation with the Energie Coöperatie Bunnik (ECB). "Talks on the exploitation have reached the final stage. We hope to put our signature to the agreement on 10 July," Van der Starre said. When the agreement is final, Utrecht University itself will have to install solar panels on the site. How many there will be depends on the size of the solar panel chosen.

About Solar park A12-Bunnik

If everything goes according to plan, the solar park will start generating sustainable energy in early 2025. Over 16 GWh of sustainable energy can then be generated with the entire solar park ( of which UU will exploit half). That is enough to supply power to over 4,200 households. The initial plan for this project was discussed with the municipality in late 2020. After an extensive participation process in which the integration of the future solar park was discussed with residents, an environmental permit was applied for with the municipality in September 2021. This was eventually granted in September 2022. However, due to grid congestion in the Utrecht region, it was still unclear when capacity would be available on the electricity grid to connect the solar farm. At the end of November 2022, the good news came from Stedin that that capacity would now be available in the near future.