To enable the future digital revolution, we need to design and make chips to handle the increasing amount of data and attract highly skilled talent to achieve this. These ’future chips’ could originate in the Brainport region, one of the world’s most relevant semiconductor ecosystems. To enhance collaboration, Eindhoven University of Technology, along with partners ASML, ASM, imec, and NXP, is organizing the first Eindhoven-South Korea Future Chips Academy for sixty top talents from three South Korean universities (KAIST, SKKU, UNIST) and TU/e. It takes place from Monday February 19 to Friday February 23 .
The students will be presented with a five-day world-class educational program in the field of semiconductors. In addition, the students will visit several key players in the Brainport region, one of the most relevant semicon ecosystems in the world.
The opening ceremony will take place at TU/e on Monday February 19 , with speeches by ASML CEO Peter Wennink, TU/e Rector Magnificus Silvia Lenaerts, Deputy Director General Yvette van Eechoud of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Korean Ambassador Hyoung Chan Choe, Director General Yong-Pil Lee, Professor Seunghyup Yoo from KAIST and Professor Jeroen Voeten as the scientific director of the academy. Later in the week, the students will get the chance to visit the cutting-edge facilities at ASML, imec, ASM, and NXP.
Talent and knowledge exchange
The Eindhoven-South Korea Future Chips Academy is the first concrete initiative resulting from a recently established cooperation between the Netherlands and South Korea on talent and knowledge exchange in the semiconductor sector. To this end, a declaration of intent in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding was signed last December at ASML in Veldhoven, during a visit by South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and King Willem-Alexander.This cooperation underlines TU/e’s prominent position in international research on semiconductors and future chips. TU/e ranks among the very best internationally when it comes to research on the development of new and advanced equipment, innovative chip technology and design, processes and materials. TU/e’s ability to bring these aspects together is renowned in the semiconductor field.
In December, for instance, Rector Silvia Lenaerts and Professor Aida Todri-Sanial represented the university during an economic trade mission to the United States that served to strengthen ties with the US semiconductor industry, which was led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Minister of Economic Affairs Micky Adriaansens, and Flemish Minister President Jan Jambon.
Strengthening top position
Rector Magnificus Silvia Lenaerts: "Currently the world is investing heavily in semicon, now it is important that together - the research institutes, governments and industry - we ensure that the Brainport region is and remains one of the most relevant semicon innovation ecosystems in the world. We, as a university, will contribute to this in various ways; by maintaining and strengthening our top position in semicon research & development, by building bridges between science and industry, and by training highly sought-after top talent.""We are pleased to co-host the Eindhoven-South Korea Future Chips Academy and to help facilitate the exchange of talent and knowledge in the advanced semiconductor industry,’’ said ASML President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Wennink. "Ever since ASML’s start forty years ago, our relationship with the academic world has been strong. The same goes for our ties with Korea. With its strong semiconductor industry, Korea is important for ASML. We continue to grow our local organization in Korea and we collaborate closely with our customers.’’
Stefan De Gendt, fellow and director of academic relations at imec: "The global need for talent requires cross boundary collaborations. In the Eindhoven-South Korea Future Chips Academy, imec is pleased to collaborate with Eindhoven University of Technology, ASML, ASM, and NXP to introduce Dutch students from TU/e and Korean students from SKKU, KAIST and UNIST to leading-edge semiconductor R&D and chip manufacturing processes."