Mathematician Valentijn Karemaker joins The Young Academy

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Valentijn Karemaker is joining The Young Academy (DJA), an independent platform for top young scientists and scholars with outspoken views about science and scholarship, created by the Royal Netherlands Academy for the Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In order to qualify for membership, young researchers must have already made their mark in science. They must also have a broad interest in science and scholarship, in the role that science plays in society, and in science policy. 

The KNAW appointed nine more scientists as members of The Young Academy. The ten researchers will be officially installed on Tuesday 26 March 2024.

Arithmetic geometry

How can we solve mathematical equations with geometric techniques? That is the main question in arithmetic geometry, Valentijn Karemaker ’s field of research. She uses connections between number theory and geometry to answer questions such as whether equations have solutions, and if so, how many? And how do the answers to these questions change if the equations change a bit? Karemaker is currently investigating how equations and their solutions behave when we utilise modular arithmetic, which is applied in cryptography, for example.

The Young Academy

The Young Academy has fifty members who are each appointed for five years. Each year, ten new members are appointed who have obtained their PhD less than ten years ago. The Young Academy consists of top scientists of all scientific disciplines, who are employed at a Dutch university or research institute. Members each focus on at least one of the following themes: interdisciplinarity within science and scholarship, science policy, science and society, and internationalization.