Innovations in Education
For his UTQ, Leon dedicated himself to redesigning the course Polymer Physics, an elective course in the Chemical Science and Engineering programme offered by the S&T faculty. Together with Leonid Dorogin, he redesigned the course last year, allowing programme director Sissi de Beer to focus on her responsibilities as Programme Director for Applied Physics. This unique opportunity enabled Leon to apply his knowledge and innovative ideas gained during the UTQ programme directly to teaching practice. Following a thorough evaluation and feedback process, he further refined the course.Leon’s dedication to education is not new. He previously won the Tutorial Innovation Award for his creative teaching solutions.
Outstanding research
Leon’s focus on education doesn’t mean his research takes a back seat. Quite the opposite: just last week, we received the exciting news that his ninth publication has been accepted-an impressive milestone for a PhD candidate.Leon works within the ReCoVR g. in the dairyor potato industry. His work has led to many new scientific and technological insights.
When asked how he balances everything, Leon shared his golden tip: "Creating an overview is essential. I regularly make lists of my projects, the next steps, and the practical actions I can take. This helps me maintain a clear picture of what I’m working on and what requires priority."
An inspiring example
Leon Smook exemplifies what the S&T faculty has to offer: an environment where students and researchers can develop into well-rounded and ambitious professionals. His professional approach, innovative thinking, and enthusiasm make him an inspiration for colleagues and students alike.The Faculty of Science and Technology is proud of Leon’s achievements and looks forward to his continued contributions to both science and education.
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