How does Sirius raise the money?
Sirius Request combines creative activities with strong community engagement to collect donations:Livestream: Follow the event live on Twitch , featuring interviews, updates, and a special visit from a Metakids representative who will share their mission and explain how donations make an impact.
The event starts on December 18 at 12:45 PM, when Rector Magnificus Tom Veldkamp will symbolically lock the participants in the room. After 24 hours of dedicated effort, they will be ceremonially released by Yakup Basut on December 19 at 12:45 PM. To boost morale, the educational staff will treat the participants to a special breakfast.
Why Metakids?
Metakids is committed to helping children with metabolic diseases, often called "silent killers." Without treatment, 70% of affected children will not live to see their 18th birthday. During an inspiring lunch lecture, a Metakids representative explained to Sirius members how donations support life-saving research and better treatments for these children.Support Sirius and make a difference!
Your donation will help children with metabolic diseases and support important research. Donate via the 3FM Serious Request donation page , follow the action live via Twitch , and , or come to one of the get-togethers. Together we will make sure that Sirius can hand over a beautiful check at the ’Glazen huis’ of 3FM Serious Request in Zwolle on December 20.Join the cause and make a difference!
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